Special Tribute: Cyprus 1974-2024, 50 Years Since the Turkish Invasion

50 years have passed since the Turkish invasion and occupation that bisected Cyprus and constituted a pivotal moment in the Cyprus issue.

CNN Greece visited Cyprus, where journalist Kostas Pliakos and photojournalist Lefteris Partsalis recorded the stories and views of key figures in the Cyprus issue, filming for a whole week. They travelled to the occupied areas, spoke with the key players of the negotiations for a solution to the Cyprus issue, and listened to the new generation that grew up with the memories and trauma of the invasion, but also desires to see the island reunited.

The 1974 invasion was the culmination of a long-standing tension between the two communities. Today, Cyprus remains divided, with opposing forces clashing daily. Issues of power-sharing, economic interests, mistrust, collective trauma, foreign interventions, and a new generation seeking change shape the country's complex reality.

CNN Greece has gathered 10 hours of material, which will be gradually published through the Medium’s website and Social Media accounts, providing a detailed analysis of the situation in Cyprus, 50 years after Operation Attila. Stay tuned for articles and videos highlighting the different aspects and voices of the Cyprus issue.

View the tribute here: